とはいえ、ちょこっとならば作れるので、あのお茶飲みたいな〜っという方はDMください。Bangkok からの発送になりますがお作りします。
I have been in Bangkok already passed 4 month. It feels like shorter and longer. At the beginning, I thought I re-start our online-shop around June. However I decided to extend our online-shop closed. Because I have been taking Intensive Thai language class at university in Bangkok. Although If you wanted to drink Kittchaco. Tea, I can prepare small amount of your tea, so I am happy to have your request via DM.
Regarding my Blog, I will update once a week as a diary/memo for a life in Bangkok.
Coming this Saturday, I will post about “KAMPO” which I got in Bangkok recently.
See you then!